Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Feeling down? You need to laugh!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Household Pet? Member of the Family!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Are you getting enough sleep?
The experts are talking about how the electric light bulb and electricity have changed people's sleep patterns and how unhealthy that can be. I found this clip on Youtube and boy am I bad! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxrMLD5Uwdk I'm not doing much right when it comes to sleeping. I do cheat my sleep during the week and then try to catch up on the weekends. I wonder if I developed good habits if that would change how productive I am by the end of the week.
I was exhausted last night and spent most of the evening either napping or watching World War stories during Remembrance Week on the History Channel. Great programs but it was not what I should have been doing. I had planned to work on my classwork last night but just didn't have the energy. The strange thing though is I woke up this morning dreaming about my project. I had a brainwave and even though I'm tired I felt compelled to get up and write down my thoughts about my project; I feel cheated because it was supposed to be a catch up morning for me. A chance for me to rest so that I could put in a good day's work on my project. I guess taking care of me will have to be a higher priority; I cannot keep functioning this way.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Remembrance Day Guilt
As it is I started a conversation about how can we do something equally meaningful on National Aboriginal Day? I've planted the notion with some staff already. I'm even thinking we should have a Remembrance type ceremony for aboriginal people who essentially faced genocide with the introduction of small pox in the 1800's. Nevertheless, I will continue to observe remembrance day as I am greatful for the sacrifices made by previous generations in the belief that they were creating a better world for those who would follow them.
If you want to see a powerful song about Remembrance Day check out the Edcentre.ca blog @ http://edcentre.blogspot.com/
Just for the record, I've attached the lyrics to God save the Queen - I couldn't believe the second and third verse.
God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.
O Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter thine enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.
Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Into the Wild
I'm at the point now where news of another suicide or attempt is not all that surprising. I think I expect to hear of more; the surprise is who tried or succeeded. I wish I had the ability to wave a magic wand and heal those who hurt, but I don't. I try to make a difference for those I reach and I will continue to stress to people that life is a joy. I watched the movie "Into the Wild" on Friday night and was so touched by the story. The young man's awareness of the beauty of nature was inspiring, yet his final realization that happiness is nothing if it is not shared pointed out what I believe about life. The purpose of life is to make the world a better place for those around you; it is a joyful mission when you reflect on the connections you make with others. For those in despair and wanting to end their own lives, the challenge is how to move their perspective from one of having too many problems to one of having challenges to overcome. I embrace each day I am given; today's snow was a visual reminder of the changing season and I took a minute to notice the path of snowflakes, the coldness in the wind, and the joy of a warm home with people in it that I love.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tell the Truth! All the time!
I got involved in a complicated relationship thing today where a young man came in to discuss a problem he was having with his girl friend. She didn't trust him and was believing someone else who was apparently telling lies about him and another girl. I was quit sympathetic and told him if necessary we could show his girlfriend the video of the hallway where this incident was alleged to have taken place and straighten the whole thing out. He didn't think it was necessary but he nodded when I told him the offer would stand if he needed it.
Well the next hour his girlfriend was in the office in tears and she asked me to see the video. I had a meeting to go to but I trusted the young man and I thought it would help him to show her the video. Turns out he was lying to me and his girlfriend saw something he never would have wanted her to see. I don't know how it all will play out. I feel really bad for the young lady he was lying to though and when I saw him that afternoon and discussed it I asked him about an assembly we'd had where our principal had asked the students to remember a couple of little things: the first was "TELL THE TRUTH" and the second was "ALL THE TIME." He could have saved a lot of people a lot of time if he had been honest to begin with! It was an interesting couple of hours. Unfortunately, the rest of my day was spent with the bureaucracy the Minstry of Education has created around special education. I'm really feeling like administration is getting to be too much responsibility and instead of giving us time to be educational leaders the demands on our time is taking us away from the classrooms. Today I missed a class visit because of the longer than expected meeting with our special education consultant. Tomorrow is a new day though and I'm going to continue to make students my first priority!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Today was another day of working on paper work and wondering what really is important. I found out just before lunch that another one of our young students had attempted suicide the night before and had hurt herself. She is a really likeable kid and I get along with her very well; I didn't see anything that worried me of her and I can't help but wonder if all the administrivia in our lives is keeping us from the important people we work with - the students. I will be praying for her tonight but I wonder if the bureaucrats even realize what the impact is of the paper machine they are creating. I could rant on this but it is not productive nor healthy. I will do what I can to fill out forms the way they want, but I will continue to make the kids my first priority. We've been talking about the need for fun in our lives and we can't help but think our jobs are more stressful than they used to be because we don't have the time to plan for fun. I know I want to be more spontaneous in school and I want to see more laughter amongst the students. Today the Student Council proclaimed as 80's day; I didn't dress up but I did bring in a CD with 80's music on it. I don't know if the kids liked it but the teachers did and there were a lot of smiles from those that heard it.
I spent most of the night working on assignments for my Ed 870AR 383 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy class. I actually felt in the groove and I credit it to not working myself until I was exhausted today. I made it home before 5:00 p.m. and I relaxed to the point of having a nap before 6 which left me feeling strong this evening. Maybe this is the answer to my grad work - be selfish and do it for yourself. I hope my director doesn't read this!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Scraping Hide
It was a glorioius day today with a wind blowing, blue sky overhead, and mild temperatures especially for this time of year. There is something to be said for outdoor learning opportunities.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sometimes I think the Luddites had it right!
Today was one of those days when I was reminded how frustrating technology can be. It began innocently enough; my printer which had been away since June was finally returned to me yesterday and I decided it was time to put it to action again. I proudly switched printer on my first attempt at printing smug in my knowledge that I wouldn't have to risk printing to our constantly jamming photocopier! Well I hit print and nothing. No happy wirring from the printer, no sign that it had even received my order to print; I checked the printer and everything seemed to be right but nothing happened. I thought about this for a minute and then I remembered I hadn't hooked up the usb cable to the printer - that would be the problem. Sure enough after a brief look for the cable and then a long wait to get back into my office because my phone had been borrowed I had the printer working beautifully!
Well then I had a student transfer back to our school and so I did the paper work and went to print her schedule - for some reason the two printers I have available to me were not available to me to print from and so I had to find a secretary to print it for me. Well during this time a tutor got on our copier which is also the secretary's printer; guess who had to wait! Then the darn thing jammed and I waited some more; finally it printed and I picked it up and went to make the student a copy and the copier jammed. At this point, I could have been converted to Ludditism! Nevertheless, I persevered and finally sent the student on her way.
It was then that I remembered I had a memo to produce for the bus drivers. This time my computer was able to connect to my printer and I quickly finished and printed the memo. I grabbed it and went to photocopy it and... well check out the video ... it wasn't as bad but it was a jammed copier I gave up on as I handed the task to our secretary and went outside to supervise buses and cool off!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Benefits of Journaling
Half full or half empty?
Today, it occurred to me that these two bits of wisdom are connected. It also drove home the point to me that the way I use language is changing the way I think and it can be powerful when speaking to students. The student I spoke to today nodded as I explained the half full cup story and a smile crossed his face as he said, "Mr. King you got me thinking totally different than I was 40 minutes ago." However, he hadn't quite got it as he started speaking about his problems again. I stopped him and asked him if he could look at his problems differently; I asked him if instead of calling them problems, he called them challenges did that make things different. Again he smiled as he realized it changed the way he looked at things. I can't promise that his life will be better forever because of the conversation; but his mood lightened and left my office smiling. It made a difference for one day anyway.
Another student today who had spoken to me on Monday about struggling with his online class confessed that things were a little better than they had been. He was looking at one chunk of information at a time instead of looking at the whole course. I smiled inwardly because he made a point of wandering over to me to share his small success; I smiled more when he said, "Well I guess I'll be going, but I'll be back tomorrow." Baby steps, small successes; half full I'd say!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Having vision!
Today, I saw this statement in action. A teacher met with me this morning and we quickly took care of her question and then began talking about the possibilities of wikis. We spoke of trying to improve what we do, working more effectively and efficiently at how we communicate in an effort to become better teachers and serve our students better. For me it was the highlight of the day; it was collaboration, it was respectful, and it was hopeful. In the afternoon, I bumped into a student just after I left a classroom and she was looking for our career transition advisor because she was interested in learning more about going to university; I told her I hadn't and she said well maybe you can help. I thought how nice it was to have a student ask for help regarding her future and I immediately changed my plans and spent 20 minutes showing her around the U of S website. It occurred to me that this is what together is all about. A student needed help, the resource person she was looking for was not available, and I stepped up and filled in the role meeting the student's need. It felt like I was making a difference and I was glad that I had taken the time to learn as much as I could about technology because I was able to find what she was looking for on the internet in a matter of minutes. I was sharing in the student's dream and I was showing her I believed in her by taking her request for help as being more important than working on exit reports or PAA reporting sheets. Her efforts in school may be heavily influenced by the 20 minute conversation we had today.
I also saw team work (together) today; at a high school meeting after school I presented the problem I was having supporting online learners in our school. I just don't have enough hours in the day to reach the students consistently enough who need help. So I asked the group if they would be willing to help by taking interest in one or two students each to monitor their progress and to encourage them to keep working. I am delighted to report that I had no problem getting staff to volunteer; they want to see our students succeed and they are willing to work as a team to see it happen. It was a good day at school; I networked with colleagues, I had positive interactions with students, I visited a class, I took care of some of the administrivia that is on my plate, and I left the school late feeling tired, but satisfied that, for today anyway, my day was spent more as an educational leader than as a cranky old guy in the hallway.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Satisfaction and Frustration: Just another day!
I still had another problem to contend with though as I have a teacher out on sick leave for perhaps as long as 9 weeks. I have no qualified teacher to take a term contract and no one to plan lessons for the class. I spent an hour today trying to find work we could give to the group and I was beginning to think I would have to take the group over, but again a staff member came to the solution. She would take the kids,the sub, and tutor from the other class and incorporate them with her own! Problem solved! Boy I owe that lady some Mars bars - her favourite!
The good in people surrounds us; we just don't always take the time to see it for what it is!!! It makes me appreciate the team I work alongside with and it makes me realize that together we are so much stronger than when we work in isolation.
I met with a student taking an online class today and he was feeling down. He was feeling overwhelmed by his online class, his motivation was low, and he was talking about dropping the class and picking it up in second semester. I smiled as he talked and I confessed to him that I had been having similar concerns; I admitted that I hadn't been able to support the learners the way I had hoped I would be able to and that I had another idea that was going through my mind. I plan to talk to high school teachers tomorrow about taking an interest in one online student; I would want them to check with the student frequently and be a go to person when the student is having a difficulty. I also suggested that he had to set a goal of completing one activity a day. I shared with him my belief that because the student can see the whole pie (all the class work) that he wants to eat it all at once. I suggested that if he were only shown one piece at a time it would be easier. I then helped him with one assignment and he agreed that it would be helpful to limit himself on how much he tries to to take on a day. I ended our session by showing him a Youtube video on Dalton Sherman called "Do you believe in me?" which can be found at http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=HAMLOnSNwzA When he left, I marvelled over the maturity I now see in him and I thought briefly about the challenging student he had been a couple of years earlier.
The work of teachers is often overlooked by those who think poorly of the profession; however, when you see first hand the impact teaching and teachers can have on individuals, you realize just how important a single meeting between a teacher and a student can be. Teachers are life changers; all this on just another day!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
People don't always do what the say they will!
Do you play with your Wiki?
If you have never experimented with Wikis, I am encouraging you to have a look at them; they are essentially web pages that can easily be updated and added to. You can set up your own account at http://www.wikispaces.com/ and it is not difficult to get started. If you want to see what Dr. Couros has done, I suggest you go to http://couros.wikispaces.com/tools; he has posted a long list of programs that you may find useful. Incidentally, I found out about teachertube because of this site!
Well I'm not sure how I will connect all this to my community based master's project except that it could be a way of sharing what I learn. More on this later.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Another Journey Begins